Molecular Characterization of Animal Genetics Resources, its Potential for use in Developing Countries

Author Details

I.B. Gamaniel and D.S. Gwaza

Journal Details


Published: 29 March 2017 | Article Type :


The challenges and potentials of application of molecular characterization of animal genetic resources in developing countries were reveiwed; avenues that could be exploited to put to this technology to use were also highlighted. Some of the challenges of the application of molecular characterization of animal genetic resources in developing countries were poor infrastructure, reference genomes, biological background information, population genotyping data are not available, lack of political will, inadequate funding, poor laboratory services and inadequate technical manpower. Potential of molecular characterization of animal genetic resources in developing countries includes better access to genomic resources, accuracy of analytical and data management tools. Most livestock populations in developing nations are poorly characterised into specific breeds. The potential of these ecotypes to increase livestock productivity are yet to be fully exploited due to poor characterization. Molecular characterization to identify variation in desired traits through sequencing will provides avenue for selection, upgrading or crossbreeding to improve performance. This will not only reduce rural poverty, hunger and manutrition, but will also create employment opportunities .The use of marker assisted selection will enhance selection accuracy and the rate of genetic gain. Animal breeders in developing countries would be able to develop local improved breeds, conserve local genetic resources for optimum use and for the future.

Keywords: developing-nation, genetic-resources, molecular-characterization, potential. 

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How to Cite


I.B. Gamaniel and D.S. Gwaza. (2017-03-29). "Molecular Characterization of Animal Genetics Resources, its Potential for use in Developing Countries." *Volume 1*, 1, 43-57